Hotel Access
FRT is being used in hotel settings by linking cameras at various hotel access points to a database of known faces (whether guests or authorized employees) for customer service and security purposes. Such a system would reduce the need for a physical door key or other identification. Guests would have a scan of their face uploaded at check-in, and this would give them access to the hotel property, access points such as elevators, their own room, or other hotel amenities such as the spa or gymnasium, as well as be used to authorise payments.
Returning guests could use this system to bypass the need to interact with hotel staff at check-in. In order to understand customers, improve services and optimise processes, hotels can use FR data to analyze use patterns and evaluate customer experiences, such as knowing exactly how many people are in a location at a particular time or assessing the mood, age, or gender of customers.
Additionally, this technology can be used for security purposes such as preventing or detecting unauthorized access, or recording when authorized employees accessed a secure space.
Hotel guests and employees may have concerns that their movements are being tacked, or that the system is being used on them for purposes other than permitting access. False positives could result in reduced security, and false positives would inconvenience guests and staff.